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Submission Information


Article submissions should be on a legal topic and should be between 3,000 — 9,000 words in length. 

We accept submissions in English, Irish and French. All submissions should conform to Oxford House Style (OSCOLA).

The following awards are available for articles published in the 23rd Edition:

  • A  Gold Medal and cash prize of €300 for the 'Overall Best Submission'. 

  • A Gold Medal and cash prize of €150 for the best University College Cork submission (should the best article prize be won by a non-UCC author).

  • A Gold Medal and cash prize of €150 for the best non-English article (French or Irish).

The deadline for submissions is February 24th 2024.

Submissions/ queries can be made to:

Roundtable Blogs

Blog submissions should conform to Oxford House Style (OSCOLA) and should not exceed 2500 words in length.

There is a Gold Medal and cash prize of €150 for the best 'Roundtable Blog'.

Submissions/ queries can be made to:

Anchor 1

*All submissions will be reviewed anonymously by the Editorial Board with the exception of the Editor-in-Chief, Deputy Editor and Blogs Editor

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